The program provides a sound engineering education with modules such as engineering mechanics, material sciences, mechanical design, computer science, mathematics, software development, power engineering and electrical engineering.
Management know-how is provided by lectures such as accounting, marketing, project management and controlling. In addition to those competencies,"soft-skills" are trained, e.g. by team projects and student presentations.

The studies also prepare students forinternational projects and positions. Specific modules such as Intercultural studies, International Management and a foreign language are part of the curriculum. Students gain further international exposure bystudying abroadat one of our 100 partner universities around the world. Internships, which are scheduled during the 5th semester, help to gain work experience as well as business contacts which may lead to future employment. Last-but-no-least, lectures are taught in English- the language of international business.
Program objectives
Our Engineering and Management program is designed for students who intend to work for international companies in functions or projects which require both, an engineering background as well as a thorough understanding of management practices.
- Degree
- B. Eng.
- Regular Period of Study
- 7 semester
- Start
- october/winter
- NC
- yes
- Places
- 50
- Preliminary Practical Training
- yes
- Language
- English
Information for German students: the program is designed to enable German students with "normal" English language skills (e.g. acquired in Gymnasium or FOS/BOS) to successfully complete the program: intensive English language courses in semesters 1, 2 and 3 will further enhance students' English skills. During that "transition" phase (semesters 1 and 2), students are allowed to attend lectures in German language. From semester 3, all lectures have to be attended in English. International students (as well as German students who decide to do so) are able to attend all lectures in English.
The curriculum consists of seven clusters

- Engineering & Science
- Management
- Integration
- Foreign language, intercultural studies
- Electives/Specialization (6 modules à 5 ECTS)
- Internship/Project
- Thesis
After completing their basic studies, student specialize in one of the following 4 areas:




Programme Overview
Engineering & Science
Language, Culture & Soft-skills
Engineering & Science
Interdisciplinary courses
Language, Culture & Soft-skills
Language, Culture & Soft-skills
Interdisciplinary courses
Language, Culture & Soft-skills
Language, Culture & Soft-skills

The regular period of study is 7 semesters.
During the first and second semester, fundamentals in engineering and management are taught.
During the third and fourth semester, students attend more advanced and interdisciplinary lectures.
Industry internships are scheduled for the fifth semester.
During the sixth and seventh semester, students specialise by choosing advanced modules in Automotive Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Product Management.
During the seventh semester students complete their studies by writing a bachelor's thesis.
Occupational Image
- International Product Manager
- Industrial Engineer, esp. for companies with international production network
- Manager International Project
- Strategic Purchasing Manager
- Assistant to board member
- International Sales Manager, esp. for high-tech products
- Management Consultant
- Team lead global functions, e.g. purchasing, IT, planning
Admission & Application
Prof. Dr. Andrea Eisenberg
phone: +49 841 9348 3525
email: andrea.eisenberg@thi.de
phone: +49 841 9348-1210